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Toffee, Mixed Nut Brittle


How to make Toffee, Mixed Nut Brittle, simple step by step instructions from start to finish.



300g / 10½oz Granulated sugar

110g / 4oz Light Corn syrup or Golden syrup

120g/mls Water

2g / ¼ tsp Salt

255g / 9oz Nuts of your choice

1tsp Vanilla extract

30g / 1oz Unsalted butter

5g / 1tsp Baking powder


Make sure all ingredients and equipment is ready before starting the recipe.

Line a suitable baking sheet with parchment paper, see video for sheet dimensions, place the baking sheet on a wire rack.

You will also need an accurate thermometer.

In a deep pan, on a medium heat, add the sugar to the pan, followed by the water, corn syrup, and salt, without stirring bring to a steady boil.

Wash any sugar crystals down from the sides of the pan with water and a pastry brush, this is to prevent crystallisation.

Keep checking the temperature of the mixture.

Once it reaches 145°C / 293°F add the nuts.

Wait until the temperature gets up to 152°C / 305°F and add the vanilla extract and butter, carefully mix together, then remove from the heat.

Add the baking powder, and stir for 30 seconds, until the mixture has foamed up.

Quickly but carefully, pour the very hot mixture into the prepared baking sheet.

Level off the mixture, and allow to cool for at least 1 hour.

Remove the toffee from the tin, and peel off the parchment paper.

Break the nut brittle into bite size pieces.


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